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Meek Micrograft

Model: Meek Micrograft

Meek Micrograft

It is a unique technique where research shows that burn wounds are closing twice as fast as with the Mesher, there is a significant decrease of infections. Currently MEEK is mainly used for patients that suffer  more than 30% TBSA burns. However MEEK is also very suitable for patients with 5% –  20% TBSA burns


  • Very small donor sites required
  • Large expansion ratios, up to 1:9, possible
  • Any small skin fragments can be used so no precious donor skin is wasted
  • Fast and uniform epithelialization
  • Excellent graft take due to correctly orientated graft islands
  • Failure of a few islands does not affect overall graft take
  • Cosmetic results comparable with mesh grafts of a lower expansion
  • Grafts very easy to manipulate
  • Less infections to faster healing process.


  • Skin Transplantation Technology

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